
Why Wholesalers Prefer To Use Beverage Bottle Instead Of Glass Beverage Bottle

Update:24 Jun 2021

The rise of plastic Although many packaging starting fr […]

The rise of plastic
Although many packaging starting from the glass packaging industry, the reality is that plastics dominate the modern packaging world. There are many factors that affect the manufacturer's material selection. Both materials have their pros and cons, and not every material is suitable for every product.

Material compatibility
One of the main driving factors for choosing the right packaging is the compatibility of the packaged product with the container material. For example, if the packaging contains harsh chemicals, certain materials may cause unnecessary chemical reactions, or the product may even be absorbed by the container material. Certain plastics can be fluorinated to prevent these unwanted reactions. Therefore, many cosmetics have chosen to use Plastic Cosmetic Bottles.
It is also important to consider all aspects of product ingredients that need to be protected or preserved. For example, certain foods are prone to discoloration, and certain beauty products will deteriorate if they undergo oxidation. In addition, some ingredients are sensitive to light and require packaging options to protect them from UV rays.

Actual benefits
Another factor that manufacturers decide to choose packaging materials is the brand image they are trying to convey through the packaging. Glass continues to be associated with high-end luxury goods, while plastic and paper are regarded as disposable items. However, when using plastic, it has some obvious advantages over glass.

First, plastic is lightweight and shatter-resistant-the opposite of glass. These properties are beneficial to many products that consumers often use-think of condiments and supplements. This makes the plastic more suitable for children, the elderly, and other people who may have reduced motor skills.

Compared with glass, plastic containers in refrigerator doors are much less dangerous when they fall.
The shatterproof and lightweight properties of plastic also make this material more suitable for e-commerce. The glass is easy to break during transportation, even if it is well protected. Plastic is much lighter than glass, which reduces overall shipping costs for manufacturers. Online shopping for consumer packaged goods has grown significantly, especially in the grocery industry, and this growth is expected to only increase in the next few years.

Easy to use
In terms of ease of use and convenience, plastic is a logical choice. Providing plastic packaging options allows consumers to carry your products wherever they need to be used, such as banning glass on the beach or including glass in school lunches. Today's consumers are often on the go, so meeting their needs through packaging can make buying your product an easy choice.

Single serving applesauce cup packaging Single serving plastic packaging allows consumers to conveniently use your product anywhere.
The same look and feel
Over time, plastic containers have strengthened their competition in terms of their ability to mimic glass packaging in appearance and feel. By increasing the weight of PET containers and imitating the shape of glass bottles and cans, we can maintain the look and feel that consumers are accustomed to while reaping all the benefits that plastics must provide. We see this especially in the packaging of foods such as peanut butter, salsa, sauces, and condiments.

Filling process
Finally, plastic packaging has advantages in the filling process. The breakage rate of PET containers during the filling process is much less than that of glass containers, which reduces the manufacturer's downtime and responsibilities.

In the process of filling stations with glass bottles, the glass is easily broken during the filling process.
Sustainable plastic
One of the reasons why plastics are often overlooked is their environmental impact. But in recent years, the packaging industry has made great strides in developing more sustainable plastics. Recycled plastic has become a post-consumer resin, which can maintain many of the same characteristics as traditional plastics. Scientists have even developed methods to convert biological materials such as sugar cane into plastic-like substances.
This may be the reason why wholesalers prefer to use plastic Beverage Bottle.

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